Category Archives: Geopolitics

The World Heads to a Breaking Point, 2 Weeks Before U.S. Midterm Elections

We are now two weeks before the U.S. mid-term elections, which, whatever the outcome, will be a break-point in world affairs. At the same time, the financial system centered on Wall Street and the City of London is about to blow out, while the British geopolitical crowd is madly pushing international confrontation to the point of all-out war, and equally madly demanding that industrial society be eradicated from the planet, in the name of its CO2 green insanity. Continue reading The World Heads to a Breaking Point, 2 Weeks Before U.S. Midterm Elections

Top Secret: Deep State War Crimes Cover-Up in Rwanda

The United States and its allies are experts at covering their crimes and finding scapegoats to take the blame for them. They are doing it now with their disinformation campaigns against Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, and Syria. The show trials at the UN’s Yugoslav tribunal, the ICTY, were all about covering-up NATO’s war crimes and spinning lies to blame everything on the Serbs who resisted NATO’s aggression. Continue reading Top Secret: Deep State War Crimes Cover-Up in Rwanda

Global Alliance Moving for A Checkmate vs the Deep State

Recent events have become too obvious to ignore in the context of the ongoing covert war between the Alliance and the Deep State. Right after what we believe as an electromagnetic attack on Ukrainian arms and ammunition depot, Crimea plunged into a day of terror when “face masked terrorists” stormed a public school in Crimea, which even Putin later on acknowledged as an individual unable to adjust to “globalization” – a generic term which may apply to economic, geopolitics and terror. Continue reading Global Alliance Moving for A Checkmate vs the Deep State

It’s Saudi Arabia’s Turn to Feel the Heat, Here's why

Until a few weeks ago, all eyes were set on Israel’s post-mortem diplomacy with Russia in the aftermath of its sneak attack on Syria, which resulted in the untimely deaths of 15 Russian personnel onboard a surveillance aircraft. Now, it is Saudi Arabia’s turn to formulate a good public relations plan to mitigate the effects of the Khashoggi murder fiasco. Continue reading It’s Saudi Arabia’s Turn to Feel the Heat, Here's why

Pakistan initiates Mass Crackdown on Soros funded NGOs

Pakistan appreciates the work non-governmental organizations (NGO) do in the country but has to regulate them to ensure they have no links to dubious activities that could endanger national security, Pakistani upper house lawmaker Sehar Kamran commenting on recent shutdown orders for NGOs. Continue reading Pakistan initiates Mass Crackdown on Soros funded NGOs

The Alliance May Have Gone Visually Ballistic Recently

Recent anti-Deep State measures are too hard to ignore. In a follow-up to the installation of S-300 SAM system to tame Israel in Syria, a massive explosion rocked Ukraine two nights ago. This is a message to the West that the ongoing US-NATO-Ukraine joint military exercise is highly provocative to the Russians. Continue reading The Alliance May Have Gone Visually Ballistic Recently

Rival Gangs Engaged in Assassinations for Full Control of US Government

While Americans are glued to their seats as Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is being subjected to sordid sex smear attacks, a slew of covert operations to assassinate key members of rival gangs vying for the full control of the US government have occurred. Continue reading Rival Gangs Engaged in Assassinations for Full Control of US Government

Deep State’s Red October Plot vs. Duterte Foiled, Arrest Order vs. Sen. Trillanes Issued

A Philippine Regional Trial Court has issued a warrant of arrest to Sen. Antonio Trillanes, one of the alleged ringleaders of the “Red October” plot to remove Duterte for having taken successive measures to limit the political and economic power of the local Oligarchy, and for his relentless anti-drug war against the CIA. Continue reading Deep State’s Red October Plot vs. Duterte Foiled, Arrest Order vs. Sen. Trillanes Issued

Korea’s Historic Peace Move Puts Onus on Washington to End Conflict

Korea is ready for peace, and both sides are putting the world on notice that that is exactly what they’ve wanted all along. They are fully aware that without the West they could have achieved it a long time ago.
Now that the Western bloodlines have achieved their desired economic prosperity, are they ready to leave Asia alone? Continue reading Korea’s Historic Peace Move Puts Onus on Washington to End Conflict

Assange Reveals Biggest Threat to Humanity in Latest Released Recording

Before being cut from almost all means of communication with the outside world in March, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who remains in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, has shared his outlook on threats the humanity faces in connection with AI development and data protection. Continue reading Assange Reveals Biggest Threat to Humanity in Latest Released Recording

Deep State on Death Throes After Massive Multi-pronged Attacks

What has been leaked 10 years ago about a global effort to establish a new financial system, i.e. global reset involving sovereign wealth based currencies for global exchange that would trim down the unwarranted power of the bankers who kept on fomenting wars everywhere, is now fast becoming a reality. Continue reading Deep State on Death Throes After Massive Multi-pronged Attacks

A Complete History of John McCain Calling for War Around the World

Early last month notorious war hawk US Senator John McCain (R-Az) was diagnosed with brain cancer, and while he’s now been accorded a very high profile Khazarian sendoff by his fellow mafiosi, i.e. the liberal and conservative establishments, Geopolitics Alert instead compiled a list of reasons why we don’t care much about him. Continue reading A Complete History of John McCain Calling for War Around the World

It Was A Failed Coup, Mainstream Media are Covering Up Phony DOJ Dossier

CIA whistleblower Kevin Shipp says that the mainstream media is laser-focused on the recent Cohen plea and the Manafort conviction, both of which have nothing to do with “Russian collusion.”  He says this is because the mainstream media are conspirators and have nothing to do with real news. Continue reading It Was A Failed Coup, Mainstream Media are Covering Up Phony DOJ Dossier

What if the world started using US logic in its relations with America?

You’re sanctioned! You’re bombed! You’re invaded! The US has plenty of punishments lined up for states which it claims are doing things wrong. But what if the rest of the world held the US to the same standards? Continue reading What if the world started using US logic in its relations with America?

New Ebola Outbreak in Congo Part of A Bigger Conflict

As many are already aware of, the China-led Belt and Road Initiative to interconnect the Eurasian Economy with Africa, Latin America, Southeast Asia and the rest of the world has been gaining a lot of traction since its formal announcement in 2013 by Xi Jinping.
This earned a lot of global influence in the region for China. The losing side, however, is not watching idly by as it loses large chucks of its empire, one by one. Continue reading New Ebola Outbreak in Congo Part of A Bigger Conflict

Here’s The Real Reason the US Must Talk to Russia

Future historians may well identify Russian President Vladimir Putin’s landmark March 1 speech as the ultimate game-changer in the 21st-century New Great Game in Eurasia. The reason is minutely detailed in Losing Military Supremacy: The Myopia of American Strategic Planning, a new book by Russian military/naval analyst Andrei Martyanov. Continue reading Here’s The Real Reason the US Must Talk to Russia

Helsinki Summit: The Beginning of a Journey

The long-awaited meeting between Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump has finally happened. The very fact that the meeting took place is a very positive development in international affairs. After all, a situation in which the leaders of the world’s two leading powers do not meet for years cannot be considered normal. Too many problems exist in the world, and too great is the responsibility of Russia and the United States to resolve these issues, for the summit to be endlessly postponed.
Continue reading Helsinki Summit: The Beginning of a Journey

Why Soros is Betting Against Trump's Recovery Plan

The US economy is by no means facing a “doomsday,” so says Wall Street analyst Charles Ortel, commenting on the reports about the steadily increasing US national debt and trade deficit. According to the analyst, the system could be fixed and President Donald Trump knows how to do it. Continue reading Why Soros is Betting Against Trump's Recovery Plan

Globalists are at the Apex of Panic on the Way to Putin-Trump Summit

There’s a reason to be optimistic as the two leaders of two Cold War superpower antagonists have their leaders displaying a certain level of mutual respect, and so is the case between both peoples in matters of global concern, in spite of the wild acoustics coming from the Old Mainstream Media. Continue reading Globalists are at the Apex of Panic on the Way to Putin-Trump Summit

Change for the Better is Coming, If You Fight for It

There is an ongoing transformational shift underway in the world, as the era of geopolitics, with its destruction of nations through financial manipulations and wars, is being challenged by the emergence of a new era of “win-win” policies of mutual benefit, spearheaded by China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Developments in Asia, with the Trump-Kim summit in Singapore and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Qingdao, China, provide examples which show that peaceful economic cooperation is not only possible, but is already underway. Continue reading Change for the Better is Coming, If You Fight for It

Deep State Sabotaging Korean Reunification & Kim-Trump "Summit of the Century"

It did not take long for the Deep State to respond to the just concluded Kim-Trump “summit of the century” in Singapore. Deep State CNN has just reported that the DHS [Deep State Homeland Security] identified a new North Korean Typeframe malware which could infect corporate and government servers, according to Continue reading Deep State Sabotaging Korean Reunification & Kim-Trump "Summit of the Century"

Korean Leaders Kim and Moon Hold 2nd Meeting Away from Cameras

While the non-essential parties are busy trying their best to stop the official Korean Reunification, the two leaders of both sides in the Korean Peninsula are holding talks like this will be the last time that their people can have a long lasting peace across the two Koreas. Continue reading Korean Leaders Kim and Moon Hold 2nd Meeting Away from Cameras

Philippine Supreme Court "Chief Justice" Sereno Falls into Disgrace

One by one, the Deep State stooges in the Philippines are removed from office, usually in disgrace for fighting it out even from a very weak position. Previously, it was Secretary of Justice Leila Delima, who herself was involved in the proliferation of methamphetamine to finance her 2016 senatorial campaign. This time around, it’s the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Maria Lourdes Sereno, who is removed from her undeserved position by her own peers. Continue reading Philippine Supreme Court "Chief Justice" Sereno Falls into Disgrace

The Day the United Nations Ceased to Exist | Andrey Kortunov

Tensions in Syria continued to escalate throughout 2019. Hostilities were stepped up again throughout the country and the conflict’s total toll approached a million. A new wave of Syrian refugees swept through Turkey and flooded Europe. Russia blocked US and British resolutions on enforcing peace on Damascus in the UN Security Council nine times. Continue reading The Day the United Nations Ceased to Exist | Andrey Kortunov

Duterte Pulling Out Overseas Workers from Kuwait

The Duterte government has been from the very beginning, implementing a grand plan to bring all overseas Filipino workers [OFWs] home. This idea is brought about by a first-hand experience in rescuing distressed workers in the Middle East, among others, of the then-lawmaker president. He was told by his lawmaker counterpart that all household workers are treated as sex slaves by default in certain Arab tribes. Continue reading Duterte Pulling Out Overseas Workers from Kuwait

White House Credit Grabbing Upcoming Korean Peace Summit

It is ironic in many respect that the government that is causing decades of misery and fear against the Koreans is claiming that its “maximum pressure” is working towards the realization of peace on the Korean peninsula. Thanks to the “strong leadership of @POTUS Trump,” said Mike Pence. Continue reading White House Credit Grabbing Upcoming Korean Peace Summit

Theresa May’s Husband’s Firm made a “Financial Killing” from Syria Bombing

It is common knowledge that Theresa May’s husband Philip essentially acts as the unofficial advisor to the Prime Minister – a fact proven by the former Conservative MP for Chichester, Andrew Tyrie, who said during a Newsnight profile of the PM’s husband that “Philip is clearly acting as, informally, an advisor to Theresa. Probably much like Denis did to Margaret Thatcher.” Continue reading Theresa May’s Husband’s Firm made a “Financial Killing” from Syria Bombing

LIVE: UN Security Council Meeting on Syria

Will a mutually assured destruction be stopped by this latest UNSC meeting? Or, will this be the last ceremony they will conduct in this lifetime?

Deep State Desperation at All-time High. Here's why…

Ever wondered why the Deep State is behaving “strangely” lately? No matter where you look, the Deep State is struggling to preserve its privileged position across the entire societal spectrum. Whether in the realm of economics, geopolitics, military, or even in the realm of exopolitics, they are losing control, big time. Continue reading Deep State Desperation at All-time High. Here's why…

Western Deep State Expels Russian Diplomats from its Dominion

The Deep State is tired of assassinating Russian diplomats. Now, they are satisfied with merely expelling them from their US and EU dominions. This is to divert attention away from scandals involving high society pedophilia, financial corruption and bankruptcy, and “to make the Russians hate Putin.” Continue reading Western Deep State Expels Russian Diplomats from its Dominion

Globalists Admit Defeat, Russia and China Facilitate Rise of Multipolar World

The recent German Marshall Fund’s Brussels Forum, which brought together influential American neocons and trans-Atlantic leaders from Europe, marked the failure of the Western-centered globalist idea. Meanwhile, Russia and China continue to facilitate the emergence of a multi-polar world. Continue reading Globalists Admit Defeat, Russia and China Facilitate Rise of Multipolar World