Category Archives: Solutions

Croatia Writes Off Debt of 60,000 Poorest Citizens

Of all countries hit by the ongoing financial crisis, it’s Croatia that is doing a first, i.e. write off its citizens’ debt, in cooperation with their creditors and its revenue department.
So if this solution is available all along then why would other countries not bailing out their citizens instead of the banks?
Why kill the real markets, i.e. the customers or the people, instead of sacrificing the corporations?
The only explanation is Agenda21, or the deliberate reduction of the global population through massive hunger.
Continue reading Croatia Writes Off Debt of 60,000 Poorest Citizens

Learn the Tricks of the Trade and Set Yourself Free

When our parents filed for our Birth Certificate, each of us became a Corporation subject to Admiralty or Maritime Laws, now known as the Uniform Commercial Code [UCC], and had ceased to exist as humans.
The Birth Certificate has effectively rendered us all dead in the eyes of the Law.
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The Beginning of the End

This article appears in the December 19, 2014 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.


The Beginning of the End
of the Post-9/11 Era

[PDF version of this article]
The Dec. 12, 2014 LaRouche PAC weekly webcast marked the beginning of the end of the post-9/11 era. The publication, by Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), of the previously classified material on the Bush/Cheney Torture Program, opens the door to finally ridding the United States of the Bush family dynasty.
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‘Reopen investigation into Westminster pedophile whistleblower deaths’ – MP

Published time: December 23, 2014 16:36
A Labour MP has demanded the government reopen an investigation into the suspicious deaths of two whistleblowers he believes were in possession of significant evidence relating to historic child sex abuse, which infiltrated the heart of Westminster.
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China Extends $3 Billion Aid to Europeans; Monitoring Ruble

While China has been asserting its ownership of the major portion of the  Collateral Accounts, it’s not leaving everybody behind.
Last December 16th,
“At a meeting with the leaders of 16 Central and Eastern European countries (CEE) in the Serbian capital of Belgrade on Tuesday, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang announced a new investment fund of $3 billion to facilitate financing in the cash-strapped countries.”
However, this is not news for the mainstream media…
Continue reading China Extends $3 Billion Aid to Europeans; Monitoring Ruble

Russia Continues Nuclear Arms Reductions in ‘Businesslike Way’: US Official

01:38 18.12.2014
The Under Secretary of State for Arms Control stated that both Russia and the United States are faithfully implementing the New START Treaty, aiming to greatly reduce the number of deployed strategic nuclear warheads by 2018.
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Obama Lifting Sanctions on Cuba; Flip-flopping on More Russia Sanctions

These may confirm Fulford’s hypothesis that Obama is now getting his orders from different handlers, to which the Vatican may have also given its nod to during Kerry’s visit to the Crown a few days ago.
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Italy Arrests Calabrian Mobsters as Rome Mob Probe Widens

By Steve Scherer, ROME Thu Dec 11, 2014 6:05am EST
(Reuters) – Italian police arrested two suspected mobsters on Thursday as part of a widening investigation into a mafia-like group in Rome that allegedly bribed senior city officials to obtain lucrative contracts.
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Italy Police Break Up International Money Laundering Ring in Rome

By Steve Scherer, ROME Wed Dec 17, 2014 2:27pm EST
(Reuters) – Italian finance police on Wednesday arrested 17 people accused of running an international money laundering ring through a British-based money transfer services company which was used to shuttle illegal proceeds abroad, mostly to China.
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Names Redacted; CIA Torture Report Sparks Bush Arrest Plea

Published on Dec 15, 2014

Just last week, the Senate Intelligence Committee released their full report on inhumane CIA torture tactics. Even though the report says former President George W Bush was kept in the dark until 2006, many people still believe he should be held accountable for the actions of the CIA during his term as Commander-in-Chief. In fact, the International Criminal Court has in their hands, an official request document for the immediate arrest of George W Bush.

Joining us today, is professor Francis Boyle from the University of Illinois’ College of Law. He’s very closely connected with the ICC, and is reporting on the status of the Bush arrest warrant request.

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BRICS Gaining Control of IMF; U.S., Inc. Isolated

The global financial reset is imminent, and the Republic of United States will reemerge as all necessary preparations are completed.
The Israel controlled US Congress is deliberately ignoring ratification of IMF reforms, and decides to play hard ball.
These childish actions will surely amount to nothing as the rest of the world are about to welcome the “new normal”.
Continue reading BRICS Gaining Control of IMF; U.S., Inc. Isolated

BRICS Departing from the War Path into Peaceful Scientific Pursuit

Science is like a two-bladed sword; it can be used to build and destroy things. It is the intention and purpose that really matters.
In the case of the BRICS, they are moving away from the destructive use of scientific knowledge. It is now up to the West to reciprocate.
Continue reading BRICS Departing from the War Path into Peaceful Scientific Pursuit

Lawsuit vs. Goldman, BASF, HSBC re Metals Price Fixing

While countries are trying to repatriate their gold bullion from the Federal Reserve, representatives of metal product manufacturers are filing charges against the Corporation for fixing the prices of their raw materials.
Fixing the prices of metals is one way of keeping the banks afloat while they endlessly print more paper money.
Continue reading Lawsuit vs. Goldman, BASF, HSBC re Metals Price Fixing

Confirmations: Ebola is Curable; Accelerated Wound Healing Possible

We have two confirmations of healthcare wonders today.
One, is the confirmed successful use of ozone therapy for defeating Ebola infection.
The other is a recent disclosure of a technology to seal severe wounds within the first 15 seconds.
Continue reading Confirmations: Ebola is Curable; Accelerated Wound Healing Possible

Tiny Homes for the Homeless, an Occupy Madison Project

Madison Wisconsin: In a city with a homeless population that has risen by 7 percent over the last four years to about 3,370, Occupy Madison organizers decided to tell their local leaders to “put up or shut up” and developed a non profit organization Occupy Madison Inc. In June 2013 OM Build was born and Tiny Homes was decided on as a solution.
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Afghanistan Shocked Wall Street by Jailing 2 Bankers, Freezing Karzai Brother's Assets

Who would expect that a US military controlled territory would jail bankers including an ex-president’s brother?
Previously, Iran executed by hanging a billionaire and three others who were responsible for @2.6Billion bank scam [here], and 2 received life sentences and 25 others received 25 years in prison.
In comparison, the United States has jailed just one banker for PR’s sake.
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China Announces $40 B Silk Road fund

November 8, 2014, 5:04 pm

The Silk Road connected China and Europe from around 100 B.C. The 4,000-mile road linked ancient Chinese, Indian, Babylonian, Arabic, Greek and Roman civilizations [Xinhua]
The Silk Road connected China and Europe from around 100 B.C. The 4,000-mile road linked ancient Chinese, Indian, Babylonian, Arabic, Greek and Roman civilizations [Xinhua]
Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday announced China will contribute $40 billion to set up a Silk Road Fund to strengthen connectivity in the Asia-Pacific region.
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China Releases Anti-Drone Tech & Sending $244M Aid to Afghanistan

We can continue to doubt China’s real intention, but we must appreciate what she had done so far, and also try to look back at its history. It never tried to conquer other people but  only did to unify its own.
A review from the Opening Ceremony of the last Beijing Olympics 2008 is a message one of unity for “We Are Family, You and Me”.
That was the invitation, and probably is still…
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With regards to progress and development, there is no stopping for the BRICS. This massive partnership is based primarily on mutual respect and prosperity which is what the New Silk Road symbolizes.
The Eastern Alliance is more than ready and sincerely committed to finance the redevelopment of the planet, including the financing of massive rehabilitation of Western economies for as long as the purge of dangerous parasites is done as soon as possible.

Prelude to NESARA

The whirlwind tours and state visits of BRICS leaders across the four corners of the globe for the last couple of months, the consistent Russian position against NATO aggressions,  and the scheduled “simulation” of a banking collapse next week, should give us enough hint that something big is about to happen.
The most anticipated event is so grand even the mainstream media couldn’t contain it, and no amount of false flag operations could ever stop it.
Continue reading Prelude to NESARA

Korean ReUnification

If left alone the two Koreas would have reunited long ago. It is only when a third party keep sowing political intrigue that a division is sustained.
Just like a persistent bacteria that hinders the complete healing of a wound, the West keeps its “democratically” infested colonies from working together towards mutual progress.
Continue reading Korean ReUnification

Waiting for the Big Event

In the last few months, Russia has proven itself a formidable adversary for the confrontational Nazionists, while China displayed its skillful soft power diplomacy, and has been very busy establishing and strengthening ties with all its neighbors, spreading goodwill across the globe through investments in infrastructures and allied industries.
All these actions are in deep contrast to the insane bombings and sanctions of the West.
All indications point to the month of October as the month when the Big Event, which we all been waiting for the last 2 years, is going to happen.
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Judge Gets 28 Years for Selling Children to Private Prison

This is not part of the takedown, still we can celebrate that crooks such as this one is going to jail.

This Judge Sold Children To Private Prisons For Cash, He’s Going Down For 28 Years

Author: Kerry-Anne September 24, 2014 3:53 am

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US Atty Gen Eric Holder Resigns

The notorious villain in the Fast and the Furious “gunwalking” scandal is ordered to submit all evidence relating to the said operation that resulted to federal agents losing control of 2,000 arms, 2 of which were found at the scene of the killing of US Border patrol agent Brian Terry in Arizona.
Eric Holder is just one of those falling in the final takedown of the Cabal.
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EU Police Arrested 1000+ Using ITCCS Evidence on Ndrangheta

Ndrangheta is a mafia organization with connections to the Vatican. It specializes in human trafficking including children for feeding the appetite of the moneyed pedophiles.

European police arrest more than 1000 criminals using ITCCS evidence of Ndrangheta and catholic child trafficking

Breaking News: 25 September, 2014
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Big Pharma Fined $489 Million for Bribing Doctors

This is probably the first and only in China where Corporations have no clout in its internal affairs.
Here in the Philippines, drugs are priced 300% higher than its neighbors, 30% of which goes to “marketing”, e.g. doctors annual conventions.
Continue reading Big Pharma Fined $489 Million for Bribing Doctors

China Accelerates Gold Exchange Launching

While the Fed can’t contain its urge to raise interest rates, China will be strengthening its financial status further by launching its gold exchange (as opposed to stock exchange which is nothing but the endless shuffling of paper that has nothing to do with actual production) earlier than scheduled.
With the planned establishment of an alternative to SWIFT, the Cabal’s clout on world finance is diminishing by the day.
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Non-radioactive Nuclear Plants Emerging

Back in 1989, Paul M. Brown was awarded a patent for his non-radioactive nuclear reactors. These reactors could produce nuclear reaction, and reuse its nuclear waste, for energy production. He died in a car crash, and nobody heard about the technology ever again.
Russia has made progress along these lines and considering their liberal approach to science, it’s no surprise to hear that they will be building these safer and cheaper nuclear power plants soon.
Continue reading Non-radioactive Nuclear Plants Emerging

Dethrone King Dollar

Here’s the former member of Obama’s economic team, munching antagonistic views against the king of world currencies, .i.e fiat US dollar.
” From 2009 to 2011, Bernstein was the Chief Economist and Economic Adviser to Vice President Joe Biden, executive director of the White House Task Force on the Middle Class, and a member of President Obama’s economic team.”

Dethrone King Dollar

us dollar bundles
WASHINGTON — THERE are few truisms about the world economy, but for decades, one has been the role of the United States dollar as the world’s reserve currency. It’s a core principle of American economic policy. After all, who wouldn’t want their currency to be the one that foreign banks and governments want to hold in reserve?
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Establishing Alternative to SWIFT

SWIFT is the backbone for establishing secure financial transactions between financial institutions globally. Ideally, the system must be neutral and transparent.
Recently, the Cabalists have raised their anti-Russian rhetoric by kicking out the Reformists out of the system to maintain their grip on the system.
BRICS has no other alternative but to establish their own version of the SWIFT system. With 180+ countries backing them up, this should be just another walk in the park.

Russia, China in talks to make alternative to SWIFT — deputy PM

September 10, 18:14 UTC+4
Russian authorities wanted to decrease the financial market’s dependence on SWIFT since the introduction of the first U.S. sanctions

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Building Bridges 3.0

Russia continues to build bridges of goodwill around the world for mutual progress.
Russia will be helping the Indians build nuclear power plants. The Nicaraguan Canal would be a better and bigger alternative to Panama Canal.
These projects are to be done on top of the plan to connect the Far East to SouthEast Asia and Central America via a high speed railway system through Siberia.
On the other hand, China will also be investing in India…

China And Russia Reportedly Plan To Build One Of The Largest Seaports In North Asia

Chinese President Xi Jinping may offer cheaper high-speed trains during his India visit

Russia Won't Be Involved in Arms Race [Putin]

True to his training as a martial artist, Putin is taking a defensive stance for his country.
If this is the position of the Russian Federation then the Corporate US and NATO will be chasing their own tails, fighting their own shadows, as the rest of the world are fast moving forward to global progress through reciprocity, i.e. mutual cooperation and productive exchange of resources.
Continue reading Russia Won't Be Involved in Arms Race [Putin]

NATO Should Be Retired

All military installations, industries and personnel should be. This is the desire of the majority.
There’s absolutely no need for armies to preserve or expand boundaries. There’s enough for everyone and more.
And If there’s indeed democracy all over this planet then why is the voice of the majority of its people not being respected?
It is therefore our duty to uphold human dignity by going against the will of any state that is not in the service of its people.

NATO Should Be Retired, Not Repurposed!

Saturday, 06 September 2014 09:34 By Joseph Gerson, Truthout | Op-Ed
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Stop Arming Israel

TAKE ACTION NOW – add your name to the call for a military embargo using the form on the right

Israel has once again unleashed the full force of its military against the captive Palestinian population, particularly in the besieged Gaza Strip, in an inhumane and illegal act of military aggression.
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Beyond the Smoke & Mirrors