All posts by Geopolitics101

Deep State Desperation at All-time High. Here's why…

Ever wondered why the Deep State is behaving “strangely” lately? No matter where you look, the Deep State is struggling to preserve its privileged position across the entire societal spectrum. Whether in the realm of economics, geopolitics, military, or even in the realm of exopolitics, they are losing control, big time. Continue reading Deep State Desperation at All-time High. Here's why…

Western Deep State Expels Russian Diplomats from its Dominion

The Deep State is tired of assassinating Russian diplomats. Now, they are satisfied with merely expelling them from their US and EU dominions. This is to divert attention away from scandals involving high society pedophilia, financial corruption and bankruptcy, and “to make the Russians hate Putin.” Continue reading Western Deep State Expels Russian Diplomats from its Dominion

John Bolton's Return: The Neocons Have Taken Over the Asylum

With John Bolton’s appointment as Trump’s new national security adviser, the circle closes on any remaining hope of the 45th President of the United States embarking on a different course from every other president that has preceded him in the Oval Office in recent years, when it comes to foreign policy. Continue reading John Bolton's Return: The Neocons Have Taken Over the Asylum

Globalists Admit Defeat, Russia and China Facilitate Rise of Multipolar World

The recent German Marshall Fund’s Brussels Forum, which brought together influential American neocons and trans-Atlantic leaders from Europe, marked the failure of the Western-centered globalist idea. Meanwhile, Russia and China continue to facilitate the emergence of a multi-polar world. Continue reading Globalists Admit Defeat, Russia and China Facilitate Rise of Multipolar World

Deep State ICC Back Pedals on Duterte, ICC Withdrawal Pushes Through

Sensing the gravity of the Philippine withdrawal from the International Criminal Court ICC, the body is sending a representative to “talk to Duterte.” What these stooges don’t understand is once Duterte made a decision, it is not just mere rhetoric. Continue reading Deep State ICC Back Pedals on Duterte, ICC Withdrawal Pushes Through

Sarkozy Indicted, Gadhafi Returns

French prosecutors charged the former French president Nicholas Sarkozy for accepting funds from the murdered Muammar Gadhafi, for his own presidential campaign. Presidential campaigns are one of the ways one can solicit funds from international donors in exchange for sacrificing his own country’s interests. Continue reading Sarkozy Indicted, Gadhafi Returns

Putin’s Landslide Mandate Defeats Skripal False Flag

Russian President Vladimir Putin got an overwhelming vote in this year’s election. This is in spite of the desperate poisoning false flag using double agent Sergie Skripal by UK henchman Christopher Steele, the author of the “Russian Dossier” on Trump. Continue reading Putin’s Landslide Mandate Defeats Skripal False Flag

Duterte Formally Withdraws from the Deep State ICC

With the power vested on the Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte, a formal statement of withdrawal of the country’s membership in the International Criminal Court was issued a day ago. This culminates the persistent politicization of the Deep State supposed “Court of Last Resort” investigations into the Philippine drug war and decisive anti-Deep State actions. Continue reading Duterte Formally Withdraws from the Deep State ICC

Unprecedented Trump and Kim Meeting on NK DeNuclearization Soon!

There is now talk about a North Korea-US dialogue on a possible peaceful resolution of the Korean conflict with the US. The NK leader is said to be committed to putting a stop on the series of nuclear testing, after a series of talks conducted between the two Koreas. Continue reading Unprecedented Trump and Kim Meeting on NK DeNuclearization Soon!

Steven Greer's Explosive Testimony on Deep State Advanced Technology

Steven Greer brilliantly exposes how secrecy is maintained through the hybrid of corporate and government programs. Which military bases and facilities and which corporations are involved? How is black-budget and criminal activity funding these operations?
The Connection between the financial system , UFO technology, and covert military airspace and bases. Where are the key Underground Bases (UGBs) and how are they connected via subterranean tunnels ? Greer goes in depth on who has been involved in managing this secrecy and how is that entity (MAJIC) controlled and operated. How do Unacknowledged Special Access Projects (USAPs) operate and how are they kept secret from the people, the President and Congress?
The History of UFO secrecy since and how it has devolved into its own trans-national cartel. See explosive documents on secrecy, how human military controlled “Abductions” are “stage-crafted” and what is the agenda for this Deception. What is the future agenda for the cartel managing UFO secrecy-and how you need to prepare for this future!
The ongoing multi-faceted Disclosure Project was inaugurated on May 2001.

Actual evidence of non-terrestrial entities…

West Still in Shock after Putin’s Declaration of A Checkmate

Russia started the move for a checkmate when its military entered the Syrian theatre on September 30, 2015. It’s been 3 days now since Grandmaster Putin executed his Avant-garde speech to tell the West about its useless pursuit of military dominance all over the globe, but the latter is undoubtedly still in shock. Continue reading West Still in Shock after Putin’s Declaration of A Checkmate

CIA Pentagon Helicopters Caught Transporting Daesh Terrorists Again

The US-led coalition is often accused of supporting terrorist groups in Syria, including organizing safe passage and extraction from encirclements and hot zones. Videos have appeared on YouTube and Facebook allegedly showing the process of transportation of the terrorists. Continue reading CIA Pentagon Helicopters Caught Transporting Daesh Terrorists Again

South Korean Cryptocurrency Crackdown Head Assassinated

As we have reported a while ago, cryptocurrencies are the brainchild of the CIA and it doesn’t want anybody to trample on them. Aside from disobeying the Deep State by reengaging the North Koreans to a peaceful resolution of the more than half a century crisis, the South Korean government is cracking down on CIA cryptos, too. Continue reading South Korean Cryptocurrency Crackdown Head Assassinated

CIA ISIS Terror Attempt Failed Again in the Philippines

As we have said many moons ago, there is now a very close coordination between the Eurasia, BRICS, and ASEAN intelligence communities against global terrorism. The phrase “global terrorism”, of course, refers to the rouge CIA, which consists of the Nazi remnants in collusion with the 13 ruthless bloodlines, one of which is running the Jesuit military and intelligence organization. Continue reading CIA ISIS Terror Attempt Failed Again in the Philippines

US Wants ISIS Sponsors to Rebuild Iraq

Like a local mafia that breaks car windows by night and repairs them by day, the United States has enlisted its Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) partners – namely Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates – to “rebuild” in Iraq in the wake of the defeated, self-proclaimed Islamic State (ISIS) these same states sponsored.  Continue reading US Wants ISIS Sponsors to Rebuild Iraq

Multiple US Gov’t ShutDowns Didn’t Deter Highest Ever Budget for Pentagon

The United States, Inc. just survived two shutdowns in two months yet this did not deter the approval of a $716 billion military budget for the year 2018-2019, the highest military budget ever, and still is among the G7 countries’ military spending combined.
Continue reading Multiple US Gov’t ShutDowns Didn’t Deter Highest Ever Budget for Pentagon

US Just Lost Asia to the BRICS

It was highly anticipated that the assumption of Moon Jae-in in South Korea last year, would usher in a different trajectory for Korean politics and in its relationship with Japan. True enough, the recent high-level diplomatic interaction between the two Koreas left the Deep State in further isolation. Continue reading US Just Lost Asia to the BRICS

Terrorist Netanyahu Got Slapped by Assad with a Downed F-16

The Syrian landscape is beginning to recover from the 6-year onslaught of CIA-MOSSAD Islamic State terror when Bibi Netanyahu decided to try his luck against his neighbors by picking a fight with Iran through Syria, under the advisement of his puppeteers within the Deep State CIA and State Department. Continue reading Terrorist Netanyahu Got Slapped by Assad with a Downed F-16

Global Reset: China Officially Starts the Dumping of the Petrodollar

On March 26, the petrodollar will begin its funeral march to oblivion as the Shanghai International Energy Exchange allows any Chinese and foreign traders to trade oil in local currencies other than the dollar. This is very significant considering that China is the world’s largest oil consumer as of last year. Continue reading Global Reset: China Officially Starts the Dumping of the Petrodollar

Disgusted Duterte Condemns the Twin Evil of the Deep State

The Deep State International Criminal Court has sent a prosecutor to investigate the so-called human rights violation of the incumbent Philippine government. However, the same institution is ignoring the plight of Overseas Filipino Workers who are being abused everywhere in the Middle East, most notably in Kuwait. Continue reading Disgusted Duterte Condemns the Twin Evil of the Deep State

Facebook and Instagram are getting a Dose of their Own Medicine

A couple of days ago, while we were setting up a Facebook account for our new healthcare site,, it demanded that we submit a photo that clearly shows our face. Facebook promised that they will delete the photos from their servers afterwards. Continue reading Facebook and Instagram are getting a Dose of their Own Medicine

DoD Secretary Mattis Didn't Get Indonesia's "Bizarre" Message for Him

US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis is on an Asian tour to check the loyalty of his Asian counterparts. When he arrived in Indonesia, he was treated to a “bizarre” Special Forces martial art skills demonstration, including the live decapitation of snakes and the consumption of their blood. Unsurprisingly, he was very impressed by the unusual presentation. Continue reading DoD Secretary Mattis Didn't Get Indonesia's "Bizarre" Message for Him

Bitcoin is US Dollar 2.0 Created by CIA | Kaspersky Co-founder

There’s a reason why China, Russia and South Korea are about to shut down Bitcoin operations in their turf. It has been a CIA project from the very beginning. That explains why there’s no transparency as to who actually created it, and the impending shutdown is bringing bitcoin’s market value down to at least 40%, for now.
Continue reading Bitcoin is US Dollar 2.0 Created by CIA | Kaspersky Co-founder

Confirmed: Pentagon Provoked Russia with Armed Drones in Syria

On January 6, the Russian Hmeimim airbase and Tartus naval base in Syria were attacked using a number of armed drones which could not navigate to their target without sophisticated satellite-based flight guidance system. To ensure plausible deniability, the war freaks used their assets still on the grounds of Syria. Continue reading Confirmed: Pentagon Provoked Russia with Armed Drones in Syria

Paper Gold Trading Days for London & New York Numbered

Gold prices are going to rise this year, predicts veteran commodities trader Vince Lanci, founder of Echobay Partners.
“The last three days have reconfirmed my commitment to a much higher gold price in 2018. We are making higher lows for the year – the recent behavior made me nervous, but something very telling happened in the last three days,” Lanci said in a December interview with The Street. Continue reading Paper Gold Trading Days for London & New York Numbered

The US and Israel’s New “Secret” Anti-Iran Plans

While Russia strives to move Syria on from a stage of war and bloody anarchy to one of peace, stability and reconstruction — by inviting all parties to next month’s Sochi conference to agree a roadmap including a new constitution and presidential and parliamentary elections – the US and Israel are drawing up plans to detonate the region and plunge it into new wars on the pretext of confronting the Iranian threat. Continue reading The US and Israel’s New “Secret” Anti-Iran Plans

British Empire Regime Change Ops in Iran Failed

The year-ender regime change operation in Iran has fizzled out. During the initial stages of the operation, the Western media portrayed it as a spontaneous, widespread protests with legitimate economic grievances. Later on, the same media cutthroats openly admitted to the US involvement by praising Trump for standing up to the Iranian regime. Continue reading British Empire Regime Change Ops in Iran Failed

Could Trump Presidency Prove to be a Godsend for the Palestinians?

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” –President Abraham Lincoln, The Gettysburg Address. Continue reading Could Trump Presidency Prove to be a Godsend for the Palestinians?

Why Does Russia Want to Sell Arms to the Central African Republic?

Russia’s “military diplomacy” in the war-torn Central African Republic is designed to stabilize part of Africa’s “Failed State Belt” and set the stage for Moscow to eventually move its peacemaking efforts to the continent’s next cauldron of chaos in the neighboring Congo, all with the intent of reasserting its historic Great Power role in Africa and providing more strategic value to its relationship with China.   Continue reading Why Does Russia Want to Sell Arms to the Central African Republic?

British Counterattacked Trump-Putin-Xi Cooperation — In Their Own Name

The British tried to subvert their upstart breakaway colony in the Americas by military means a number of times. But when Lincoln mobilized the nation against the British- instigated Confederacy based on the highest moral principles embedded in our Constitution — and with help from the Russian naval fleets deployed into New York and San Francisco harbors as a warning to the Brits to stay out — London decided they had to change tactics. Continue reading British Counterattacked Trump-Putin-Xi Cooperation — In Their Own Name