All posts by Geopolitics101

Daesh Terrorists are Leaving Raqqa, But Why are We Not Celebrating?

Raqqa served as the de facto capital of the Islamic State for more than 5 years, and the news that the terrorists are leaving the city for having to other option should have been very much welcomed. But why we can’t afford to do so? Because this is just to accommodate the Plan B option of the US invaders, and that is to partition Syria for the benefit of Israel. Continue reading Daesh Terrorists are Leaving Raqqa, But Why are We Not Celebrating?

Kabul Explodes Under US Control, While Kenya Hails New 480km Railway Built by China

While the US intervention continues to cause deaths and destruction in Kabul, Afghanistan, the Chinese intervention in Kenya is causing it to celebrate the maiden operation of its 480-km Standard Gauge Railway from the capital city of Nairobi to Mombasa, to speed up its industrialization. Continue reading Kabul Explodes Under US Control, While Kenya Hails New 480km Railway Built by China

Venezuela Not Paying $2.8 Billion Bonds Now Held by Goldman Sachs

Venezuela continues to defy western financial attack by never knelling to western banks seeking to profit on the agony of its citizens. Goldman Sachs is betting on the current low priced state oil firm stocks, while the other arm of the Deep State is doing all it can to put in power Venezuelan opposition parties under its thumb. Continue reading Venezuela Not Paying $2.8 Billion Bonds Now Held by Goldman Sachs

Muslims Risking Lives to Protect Christians from ISIS-Maute Terrorists in Marawi

The Maranaos, Muslim inhabitants of Marawi City, Philippines, have shown how much they cared for their Christian neighbors by doing all they can, i.e. even at the risk of being killed in the process, to protect and insulate the latter from the terrorist onslaught. Continue reading Muslims Risking Lives to Protect Christians from ISIS-Maute Terrorists in Marawi

Classified Trump-Duterte Call Transcript Leaked by Deep State Stooges in the Philippines

By now, the Deep State vulture mainstream media, and pseudo-alternative media alike, have already fed themselves to the brim with the latest Trump “leaking of state secrets,” regarding the specific number of US nuclear submarines at the bottom of the North Korean EEZ, to a “killer” named Duterte. Continue reading Classified Trump-Duterte Call Transcript Leaked by Deep State Stooges in the Philippines

Philippines 'Dirty' Duterte facing ‘same ISIS dynamic’ as Assad in Syria

The Deep State plan to establish a Greater Israel through the use of proxy terrorists is failing. But it doesn’t mean that the terrorist organization known globally as the Islamic State will just fade away. In fact, the plan to spread terror worldwide has always been on the drawing board of the Cabalists. Continue reading Philippines 'Dirty' Duterte facing ‘same ISIS dynamic’ as Assad in Syria

Duterte Has Declared Martial Law in Mindanao, Philippines to Quell Terror

After the Maute Terror Group had struck and burned several facilities in Marawi City yesterday, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte declared a Martial Law for the entire island of Mindanao, Southern Philippines. He will also be cutting short his 5-day state visit to Moscow, and will be going home today. Continue reading Duterte Has Declared Martial Law in Mindanao, Philippines to Quell Terror

West Uses Semantics and Doubletalk to Stay Funded

The West continues to self-destruct and has no other option but to sacrifice whatever is left of its reputation to save itself financially. While NATO is persistent with its anti-Russia rhetorics to save itself from obsolescence, the White House is forced to sustain the “Iran is terrorist” line to extort the Arabs. Continue reading West Uses Semantics and Doubletalk to Stay Funded

Texan Noble Energy & Israel are Stealing Gas Reserves in Gaza

It can be said by now that the primordial intention why Palestinian lands must be usurped by the Rothschild agents in the Middle East is to plunder the natural resources hidden beneath the Levant Basin. The Levant has throughout history meant Syria, Lebanon and Palestine.  The discovery is the largest discovery in the history of Noble Energy, “more than 40 Tcf of natural gas resources in the Levant Basin”. Continue reading Texan Noble Energy & Israel are Stealing Gas Reserves in Gaza

Deep State "Dirty Hands" on Venezuela Exposed, Russia Intervenes with Food Aid

The Western Deep State wants to introduce “democracy” in Venezuela through political sanctions, financial system hacking, and religious war due to the country’s refusal to surrender control of its vast energy resources to the Wall Street bankers. Continue reading Deep State "Dirty Hands" on Venezuela Exposed, Russia Intervenes with Food Aid

Uninvited US-led Coalition Attacked Syrian Positions As A Red Carpet to Trump

In what could be another war crime committed by the uninvited US and UK forces in Syria, a convoy of Syrian tanks was fired upon while performing its anti-terror duties, causing ”a number of deaths and some material loses.” Continue reading Uninvited US-led Coalition Attacked Syrian Positions As A Red Carpet to Trump

Trump Strikes Arms Deal With Saudis worth $350 Billion

Trump’s Raytheon stocks are soaring again. More than a billion dollar worth of Raytheon made munitions are estimated to be part of the package, i.e. a $350 billion worth of deaths and destruction have been sealed between the US and the House of Saud today, $110 billion of which is due for delivery as soon as possible. Continue reading Trump Strikes Arms Deal With Saudis worth $350 Billion

Major Step for Lasting Peace in the South China Sea Has Been Reached

China and the 10-member ASEAN bloc have finally agreed on the “rough outline” of the legally binding Code of Conduct that is seen as a major step to prevent clashes in the highly strategic South China Sea. The COC is expected to be signed when the ASEAN returns to the Philippines for their final summit for this year. Continue reading Major Step for Lasting Peace in the South China Sea Has Been Reached

Russia Defies Western Sanctions on North Korea with Tourism Link

In another sign that the West is losing geopolitical influence in East Asia, a North Korean ferry has completed its first cruise from Rajin port to Vladivostok, effectively defying the economic sanctions levied against it by Western economies.

Ferry service opens between N. Korea & Russia’s Vladivostok | RT News

18 May, 2017 00:25 Edited time: 18 May, 2017 07:16

FILE PHOTO North Korean ferry Mangyongbong-92 © Toshiyuki Aizawa / Reuters
FILE PHOTO North Korean ferry Mangyongbong-92 © Toshiyuki Aizawa / Reuters
A tourist ferry has completed its first cruise from the North Korean port of Rajin to the Russian city of Vladivostok. The route’s opening marks Pyongyang’s bid to develop trade and tourism ties with Russia amid growing tensions on the Korean peninsula.
Representatives of Chinese and Russian tourism companies were on board the ferry that arrived in Vladivostok on Thursday, RIA Novosti reports, citing the route operator. The first tourists on the first-ever passenger connection between the two countries are expected next week, it added.
The route’s launch is slated to “contribute to the development of regional tourism and bilateral trade,” the Russian consul general in the city of Chongjin, Yuriy Bochkarev, told TASS news agency.
The passenger ferry will make the trip four times a month. The Mangyongbong ferry is also said to carry up to 200 passengers and around 1,500 tons of cargo, according to TASS.
… Speaking in Beijing on Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin underscored the need “to return to dialogue with North Korea,” calling on world leaders to seek diplomatic solutions. He then stressed that Russia remains firmly opposed to the expansion of nuclear powers’ club with nukes on the Korean peninsula.
Following one of Pyongyang’s latest missile launches on Saturday, the UN Security Council threatened North Korea with a new raft of sanctions, urging it to suspend its nuclear and ballistic missile activity…

For this defiance, Russia will continue to suffer from its own set of EU sanctions that is forcing its industrial and agricultural sectors to grow organically in recent years, and from the cooperation of Asian countries, most notable of which is the $400 billion energy agreement with China.
Another factor that warrants attention is that in every Russian intervention, there is always that unique characteristics of it being decisive and sustained, such that the West is left murmuring in one corner in defeat.
The sheer size of the Eurasian economy and its population that are now asserting its true worth and power is putting the old paradigm where it should be. There’s no sense and value in confronting the emerging paradigm of win-win cooperation head on.
The Korean Peninsula will have its peace soon.

The Korean desire to reunite is manifested in this beautiful monument.

Trump’s Plan Finally Becomes Clear, War is Good for Business

The first stage of U.S. President Donald Trump’s plan to restore America’s former dominance as a “manufacturing country” will be announced this coming weekend in Riyadh Saudi Arabia and Washington DC, but its outlines are now already more than clear. Continue reading Trump’s Plan Finally Becomes Clear, War is Good for Business

Gap between East & West Paradigms Widens

The gap between the East and West paradigms has never been wider. While China is encouraging everyone to participate constructively in the creation of a multipolar world, the Deep State media continue to belittle the “Project of the Century” by labeling it as a move to wrestle geopolitical power from the West, while its military components, i.e. intelligence, media, industry and infantry, aim to continue to satisfy its desires for perpetual wars. Continue reading Gap between East & West Paradigms Widens

Major Developments Strongly Suggest the End of Unipolar World Order

With Moon Jae-In’s victory in South Korea, the period of tension on the Korean Peninsula is likely to end. With the rise to power of the new president, South Korea can expect a sharp decline in hostilities with North Korea as well as a resumption of dialogue with China. Continue reading Major Developments Strongly Suggest the End of Unipolar World Order

Belt and Road Summit Distracted with #WannaCry Ransomware Epidemic

By now, the #WannaCry ransomware attack has made itself to the global consciousness, and may have made money for the CIA who got it from the NSA, and most important of all, eclipsed the historic event now happening in Beijing, at least for the mainstream media audience. Continue reading Belt and Road Summit Distracted with #WannaCry Ransomware Epidemic

One Belt, One Road Project is Making the World a Safer Place

The extremely ambitious Chinese project known as One Belt, One Road is becoming a reality with every passing day. As you must know, the project is designed to create a web of transport routes all across Eurasia to allow faster transfer of people, goods and resources. Continue reading One Belt, One Road Project is Making the World a Safer Place

List of Attendees to the 1st Belt and Road Summit in Beijing

Below, find a list of confirmed attendees at China’s Belt and Road Forum, to be held in Beijing May 14-15. Sources are hyperlinked wherever possible; entries without hyperlinks are based on statements provided to The Diplomat. Continue reading List of Attendees to the 1st Belt and Road Summit in Beijing

US Delegation is attending Historic, Pivotal Belt and Road Summit

No matter what the Western mainstream media are saying, China’s Belt and Road Initiative are threatening the Western hegemony that is founded on unpayable debt and war proliferation. Not to be left out, the Trump government covertly opposed its own rhetoric and has sealed a number of agreements with its Chinese counterparts. Continue reading US Delegation is attending Historic, Pivotal Belt and Road Summit

Trump Cleans Out Some Coup Plotters, Advances Peace & Dev't Cooperation with Russia, China

Donald Trump, in the past 48 hours, took initial steps towards throwing out the garbage in the intelligence community who have been part of the ongoing Color Revolution attempt against the U.S. government. Continue reading Trump Cleans Out Some Coup Plotters, Advances Peace & Dev't Cooperation with Russia, China

Belt-and-Road Blueprint is Now a Roadmap, Cancel the British System! – LarouchePAC

The world summit, “The Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation,” hosted by China, is now less than a week off. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi yesterday gave a preview to the international media, on the attendance, agenda and key concepts of the May 14-15 event in Beijing. Continue reading Belt-and-Road Blueprint is Now a Roadmap, Cancel the British System! – LarouchePAC

Six of G7 Countries Snub China's Belt & Road Summit Due to "Dubious" Leaders

Decades ago, the West criticized China for being an isolationist country. Now that it is opening its doors for healthy and peaceful collaboration with them, the West is resorting to criticism and even tries to move into a protectionist stance. Suddenly, globalism became a dirty word, and capitalist “China is just promoting its One Belt, One Road Initiative to find an open market for its industrial over capacity. ” Continue reading Six of G7 Countries Snub China's Belt & Road Summit Due to "Dubious" Leaders

South Korea’s New President Moon Jae-in Easing Tensions in the Korean Peninsula

The US THAAD installation in South Korea is being threatened by the election of Moon Jae-in as president. He is also expected to reestablish fresh contacts with the leaders in North Korea, and bring South Korea into the Multipolar Century spearheaded by the BRICS. Continue reading South Korea’s New President Moon Jae-in Easing Tensions in the Korean Peninsula

You’re fired! | Trump Told FBI Director James Comey

The Trumpian crowd just got a new shot of hope when their idol decided to fire the two-faced FBI Director James Comey from office. This must be the resumption of the draining of the swamp. Empirical data says otherwise, of course.
Just like the flip-flopping of the “Change We Can Believe in” of the Obama administration, the “Draining of the Swamp” mantra must be refreshed with earth shattering headliners from the White House from time to time.
[scribd id=347866776 key=key-20zvuEBorPYNKqjYkvWb mode=scroll] Here are two proofs out of many why this may not be what we are all hoping for:

  1. Terminated Comey’s interim replacement, has deep ties with the Clinton couple, and;
  2. AG Sessions may be in it only for his own family’s satisfaction.

Interim FBI Director Andrew McCabe’s wife is a stooge for the Clintons.

WASHINGTON: Andrew McCabe became the acting director of the FBI on Tuesday when President Donald Trump fired FBI Director James Comey.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions confirmed McCabe’s promotion in an internal memo to the FBI. CNN obtained the document.
McCabe’s wife, Jill, ran for state Senate in Northern Virginia as a Democrat. She lost her election bid. Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, who is close to Bill and Hillary Clinton, gave McCabe’s campaign $467,500 from his political action committee. The Virginia Democratic Party also donated $207,788 to McCabe’s campaign, according to the Wall Street Journal.
Those ties led the FBI to issue a statement in October on Andrew McCabe’s ties to the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server. In a statement to the Wall Street Journal, the FBI said McCabe “played no role, attended no events, and did not participate in fundraising or support of any kind (for his wife’s campaign).”
The Trump campaign released a statement on “Clinton ally aiding wife of top FBI official,” but the website page is now longer available.

So, the FBI just moved from a double crossing Comey to a full pledged Clinton errand boy. But who knows?
Strategist Trump could certainly use McCabe’s extensive knowledge about the Clinton’s false philanthropy and pedophiliac adventures to pin the latter down.

That’s how you should feed your own false hope to keep you going and survive the day. Recall, not too long ago…

To which direction are we really going to?
What about AG Sessions? What’s in it for him when recommended the termination of Comey’s services?
He might have an axe to grind with the Clintons…


By David Johnston, July 20, 1993

William S. Sessions
William S. Sessions

WASHINGTON, July 19— President Clinton today dismissed William S. Sessions, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, who had stubbornly rejected an Administration ultimatum to resign six months after a harsh internal ethics report on his conduct.
Mr. Clinton said he would announce his nominee to replace Mr. Sessions on Tuesday. He was expected to pick Judge Louis J. Freeh of Federal District Court in Manhattan; officials said Judge Freeh had impressed Mr. Clinton favorably on Friday at their first meeting.
Mr. Clinton, explaining his reasons for removing Mr. Sessions, effective immediately, said, “We cannot have a leadership vacuum at an agency as important to the United States as the F.B.I. It is time that this difficult chapter in the agency’s history is brought to a close.” Defiant to the End
But in a parting news conference at F.B.I. headquarters after Mr. Clinton’s announcement, a defiant Mr. Sessions — his right arm in a sling as a result of a weekend fall — railed at what he called the unfairness of his removal, which comes nearly six years into his 10-year term.
“Because of the scurrilous attacks on me and my wife of 42 years, it has been decided by others that I can no longer be as forceful as I need to be in leading the F.B.I. and carrying out my responsibilities to the bureau and the nation,” he said. “It is because I believe in the principle of an independent F.B.I. that I have refused to voluntarily resign.”
Mr. Clinton said that after reviewing Mr. Sessions’s performance, Attorney General Janet Reno had advised him that Mr. Sessions should go. “After a thorough review by the Attorney General of Mr. Sessions’s leadership of the F.B.I., she has reported to me in no uncertain terms that he can no longer effectively lead the bureau.”

Are the two Sessions related by blood?
We can only find their commonality in the Republican Party, and their close physical resemblance, for now.

AG Jeff Sessions
AG Jeff Sessions

So, instead of looking just who are not happy with the Trump decision to fire the FBI director Comey, let’s look instead on how AG Sessions will proceed from hereon.
Will he file cases against the Clintons, and those who are deeply submerged in the Deep Swamp?
Meanwhile, and away from the headlines, more troops will be sent to the fertile opium fields of Afghanistan,
… while Trump’s close-in adviser, son-in-law Jared Kushner, is busy raising funds for the First Family’s development projects.

Kushner Family Tells Rich Chinese: Invest $500,000 and Immigrate to the United States

by EconMatters May 9, 2017 7:41 PM
Washington Post journalists attended the last Saturday presentation at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Beijing saw and heard the pitch to the rich Chinese — They could obtain EB-5 investor visas to the U.S. if they invested at least $500,000 into one of the Kushner family’s development projects.
The presentation was reportedly delivered by Nicole Kushner Meyer, sister of Jared Kushner. As you know, Jared Kushner is the presidential adviser and son-in-law, husband of Ivana Trump.
Now what is EB-5 visa exactly? Wikipedia explains that the EB-5 visa provides a method of obtaining a green card for foreign nationals who can invest from $500,000 to one million dollars in a “new commercial enterprise” in the United States. The program has been criticized as akin to “U.S. citizenship for sale,” and it has come under scrutiny after a series of fraud and scandals.

A slide displaying President Trump as the key decision maker in the EB-5 program (Photo: New York Times)
A slide displaying President Trump as the key decision maker in the EB-5 program (Photo: New York Times)

According to the Post, the tagline on a brochure for the event:
“Invest $500,000 and immigrate to the United States.”
The New York Times reported that during the presentation, there was a slide describing Donald Trump as a “key decision maker” about the future of the EB-5 program.  So the potential investors were then advised to “invest sooner rather than later in case visa rules change under the Trump administration.”
“Invest early, and you will invest under the old rules,” one speaker said.

Of course, the old rules still apply.
So, look over there, ’cause we’re so busy right here.
The Trump government will surely attempt to bring back some of the jobs that America lost in the last 4 decades, but for a lower pay when compared decades ago, or they’ll stay in Asia indefinitely.
But the Corporatocracy will live on with the two-party system, they’ve played the game so skillfully, and the Sheeplehood will stay as docile as it is. Why?
They just don’t care at all.
No offense intended, but if that’s how deep the majority of the Americans are capable of using their cognitive abilities, they’ll always be an easy prey to the mind control experts like the Chatham House.

We still want to be convinced that our skepticism is grossly unfounded.

America is Something that You Can Easily Maneuver | Bibi Netanyahu

Israel was established based on a lie that they are the Chosen, yet God-forsaken, People on Earth. They have successfully turned every story upside down, playing with Western values emotion of always having the moral high ground, with the effective use of Hollywood sorcery. Any employment of truth about the real motive behind the creation of the State of Israel is considered anti-Semitic criticisms. Continue reading America is Something that You Can Easily Maneuver | Bibi Netanyahu

Soros Asset Agnes Callamard Attacks Duterte with an “Academic Visit”

A George Soros asset sneaked past the non-existent anti-Deep State security system of the Duterte government over the weekend, and made a scathing, on location indictment about Duterte’s war on narcopolitics, with full coverage of the media. Her local facilitators were able to organize a forum which provided the stage for Callamard to launch her undiplomatic intervention into Philippine domestic affairs. Continue reading Soros Asset Agnes Callamard Attacks Duterte with an “Academic Visit”

Deep State Plans to Nuke Russia & China to Deter BRICS-led Multipolarity

We’ve already seen how desperate the Western oligarchs are today, from their actions and rhetorics. This is fundamentally due to the failure of their attempts at starting a war somewhere far from their golf courses, and the breakneck successes of the Eastern Alliance in laying down the hardware, i.e. economic infrastructures, for a multipolar world of peace and harmony among countries willing to join them. Continue reading Deep State Plans to Nuke Russia & China to Deter BRICS-led Multipolarity

The Real Reasons Why Trump Has Flipped On His Campaign Promises

By now, a lot of the Trump supporters from the last election are asking the same questions that many in the Obama campaign were asking themselves, too, then. Why can’t he follow through with his campaign promises? Why can’t any of the US presidents do everything it must do to improve our lot? Continue reading The Real Reasons Why Trump Has Flipped On His Campaign Promises

Deep State is Losing Southeast Asia, Choosing Mutual Economic Progress instead of War

During the next five years, or at least, during the term of the Philippine strongman Mayor Rodrigo Duterte, no attempt at sowing acoustic and kinetic conflicts will be allowed in the South China Sea region. Continue reading Deep State is Losing Southeast Asia, Choosing Mutual Economic Progress instead of War

May 1st: The Day Slavery System Transferred from Monarchies to the Corporations

Today, May 1st 2017, the world labor movements commemorate once again their tangible contribution to our collective development as a human species. This is also the day when they blow their horns on the massive inequality and the continued exploitation of the labor force. Continue reading May 1st: The Day Slavery System Transferred from Monarchies to the Corporations

ASEAN2017 Chair Duterte Defies Western Line of Invoking UNCLOS Ruling vs. China

The current chairman of the ASEAN Summit 2017, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, is defying Western pressure to invoke the Hague Tribunal UNCLOS ruling that is aimed at controlling China’s energy and trade route in the South China Sea. Continue reading ASEAN2017 Chair Duterte Defies Western Line of Invoking UNCLOS Ruling vs. China

Trump's Son-In-Law Financed Israeli Extremists and Settlements

Jared Kushner, the son-in-law and confidant of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, is a director and board member at the Kushner Foundation which has given money to illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank as well as extremist Jewish groups connected to violent attacks against Palestinians, Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported Monday. Continue reading Trump's Son-In-Law Financed Israeli Extremists and Settlements